Our impact

EcoMobility and EcoLogistics are ICLEI initiatives aimed at creating people-friendly, climate-neutral, and socially inclusive mobility options.

ICLEI – Local Governments for Sustainability is a global network of more than 2500 local and regional governments committed to sustainable urban development. Active in 125+ countries, we influence sustainability policy and drive local action for low emission, nature-based, equitable, resilient and circular development. Our Members and team of experts work together through peer exchange, partnerships and capacity building to create systemic change for urban sustainability.

Through the EcoMobility initiative, ICLEI supports its Members in prioritizing walking, cycling, public transport, and shared light electric vehicles. It promotes travel through integrated, socially inclusive, and environmentally-friendly options without depending on privately-owned vehicles. 

Through the EcoLogistics initiative, ICLEI promotes the transportation of goods by giving priority to health, safety,  low-emission, and people-centered urban development. It encourages circular and regional economies while limiting the impact of freight transport.

Our impact in numbers

participating cities
million population influenced
percent of our cities residents walk, cycle and use public transport
percent of our cities report their GHG emissions

Our cities

Over 100 cities and regions representing more than 239 million people have committed to sustainable mobility initiatives.

Modal split

About the modal split

Modal split is a key indicator that reflects the impact of the city’s mobility policies. It is essential to monitor how the modal split develops during awareness campaigns, improvements of public transport, improvements of bike paths and other transport services.

Source data

The modal split is primarily based on the data provided by the EcoMobility Alliance Cities, TUMI’s Global Mobility Challenge 2018 Winners, EcoLogistics project cities and CitiesSHIFT project cities.

However data quality might be compromised due to various definitions and collection methods in each city. Actuals, or estimates based on a different methodology, may be available. For example, mobility surveys can be based on historical travel surveys extrapolated to the population or a few road sensors.

As such, we aim to provide comparable modal split data of cities while continuing to improve the quality of data and acquire more accurate figures. You can compare city data by region or country by clicking the filter menu on the right. For data resources and notes, please refer to the second page.


Please let us know how you are using the tool and data via email ecomobility@iclei.org. We would love to know what is useful or needed for mobility practitioners. Do you have a good sustainable mobility story in your city? We may be able to feature your city in a case study, so please get in touch.

Sustainable modes of transport

The figures below represent the share of sustainable transport modes (walking, cycling and public transport) in each city.

You can compare city data by region or country by clicking the filter menu on the right. For data resources and notes, please refer to the second page.

Please let us know how you are using the tool and data via email ecomobility@iclei.org. We would love to know what is useful or needed and we may be able to feature your city in a case study.