Main room where 100 participants shared, learned and worked in the case study of Leipzig
The city of Leipzig, Germany, hosted a workshop of one week with 100 participants from around the world to learn about implementing sustainable mobility in cities. For the first time, Leipzig is taking part of the European Mobility Week this 2016 and results from the summer school will provide important input to start a discussion on different ways of sustainable mobility for the future of Leipzig. The workshop aimed to show the way for big cities in central eastern Europe to a sustainable mobility future.
Courses and working groups included:
- Enlarged Car reduced downtown a the new vision for the Promenadenring in Leipzig featuring new street and public transport arrangements.
- Street for all participation in the planning process in a street of downtown Leipzig.
- Pedestrianization of a street in Philippines as a role model forLeipzig.
- Ciclovía de Bogotá in Leipzig and the planning for regular bicycle event days in Leipzig.
Participants worked in groups focusing on specific areas of the city and of sustainable mobility such as pedestrianization of certain streets, public transport and cycling culture and infrastructure. Different participants shared their city’s current mobility situation and see similarities and different approaches. From city to city, the workshop came back to the case study of Leipzig and technical solutions where discussed for transport hubs, walkways, cycling routes and public transport in Leipzig.
The workshop went on with technical knowledge important for the participants to consider and concluded with a consensus that mobility challenges needs to be tackled through sustainable urban mobility planning. For this we need good basis of planing including data, modeling, reporting. Finally, it was highlighted the need of consensus and cooperation with other offices and stakeholders.
Efficiency is do more with less
Photograph: Jalyna Sadovnikova