Wednesday, 22 September, 16:00-17:00 CEST
Language: English
Transport is one of the principal and faster growing sources of CO₂ emissions. This poses a major challenge for countries trying to reduce emissions and make cities more livable, healthier, and people-centered. Cities, which are hubs of economic growth and prosperity, will have to drive the transition towards sustainable mobility to help achieve all the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the long-term goals set out by the Paris Agreement. As we move towards a post-pandemic context, cities will need to embrace the surge in active mobility, as well as new opportunities for innovation, if they are to ensure a green and inclusive recovery.
When re-imagining urban mobility post COVID-19, it must be integrated, socially inclusive, and environmentally friendly, and must also reduce our dependence to privately-owned vehicles. Sustainable and affordable mobility is at the core of a livable city, it improves quality of life, increases mobility options and creates accessible public spaces. Transport electrification, improving public transport, and promoting active mobility are all options that cities can embrace to mitigate their carbon emissions and build healthier and more inclusive cities.
This session will highlight the importance of including transport policies when fighting climate change and trying to build healthier cities. Our aim is to show how cities are working to decarbonize transport as part of their climate strategies and, simultaneously, make it more equitable, inclusive, and people-friendly.
Run of show and speakers
Opening remarks (5 min)
Moderator: Tu My Tran, Head of Sustainable Mobility, ICLEI World Secretariat
Speaker presentations (4 x 5 min)
Leif Gjesing Hansen, Project Leader, Community Planning and Establishment, Department of Business and Industry, The City of Malmö, Sweden (Presentation)
Francois Zirikana, E-mobility Specialist, City of Kigali, Rwanda (Presentation)
Fernando Narváez, IT Director of the Mobility Secretariat, City of Quito, Ecuador (Presentation)
Eleonora Piriz, Manager, Internal Planning, Municipality of Rosario, Argentina (Presentation)
Q&A and panel discussion (30 min)
Closing remarks (5 min)