What we do
Our approach
1. Assess - Baseline setting
In order to strategically plan sustainable mobility and logistics solutions strategically, it is important to establish baselines by systematic quantitative and qualitative data collection as well as analysis of the national and local framework and policies for transport in cities. ICLEI offers different tools and methods for passenger and freight transport analysis, including:
- EcoLogistics Self-monitoring tool for GHG emissions assessments from freight;
- EcoLogistics Index for performance measurement and benchmarking;
- EcoMobility SHIFT+ for performance measurement of a city’s entire transportation and mobility sector for a holistic understanding of the interaction between passenger and freight transport which are often interrelated.
2. Engage - Stakeholder consultation and capacity building
Forming multi-stakeholder partnership groups through a stakeholder mapping process supported by ICLEI to engage and consult on needs assessment, policy advice, and technology transfer, which is pivotal for effective policy planning.
The multi-stakeholder partnership also includes cross-departmental collaboration within the city and partnership with private companies. Within this context, capacity building of the multi-stakeholder groups can be provided through different tools and channels (e-learning, site visits, workshops, events, knowledge products, etc.). ICLEI is developing the Strategy Mapping and Implementation Protocol with partners to enable impactful stakeholder consultation.
3. Implement - Demonstration actions implementation
Demonstration actions or the living lab approach is an effective approach in fostering innovation and capturing best practices for replication and scaling up in transformation of the sustainable urban mobility and logistics system. This is often implemented with close cooperation with the multi-stakeholder group.
ICLEI offers continuous strategic and technical guidance for successful implementation as well as an assessment framework for replication and scaling.
4. Stimulate - Sustainable urban mobility & logistics planning
A comprehensive and cohesive policy document or action plan that is recognized by the politicians and policymakers is a necessary component of effective action. Using a systems approach to analyze mobility situations and the logistics chain, a Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan (SUMP) and a Sustainable Urban Logistics Plan (SULP) or similar policy and action plan document can be delineated, setting scenarios and planning for the future.
National policy recommendations to the central government, as necessary.
5. Disseminate - Global outreach and communication
Cities can leverage ICLEI’s strong network of cities and partners for meaningful collaboration and technical guidance on specific themes or issues, such as through coaching by peer cities or matchmaking with experts. ICLEI documents achievements, experience, and impacts through various channels (international events, knowledge products, social media, website, etc.) and provides a platform for knowledge exchange and dissemination, inspiring more international cities on ecologistics and advocating it at high-level UN dialogues.