Shimla, India

EcoMobility Alliance City

City statistics

Population (2015 census)
Area (in sq. kms)

Promoting active mobility in a hilly area

The rapidly urbanizing hillside town of Shimla in Northern India is the capital of Himachal Pradesh, perched in the southwestern ranges of the Himalayas. Shimla is part of India’s Smart City Program and strives to be a livable, sustainable and resilient city. The Shimla Smart City Mission was prepared based on the priorities identified during the public consultation progress. The plan focuses on transport and pedestrian mobility and also on creating open recreational spaces.

The city passed a Comprehensive Mobility Plan (CMP) 2031, which steers the actions and targets of the city’s urban mobility towards an integrated and connected approach to sustainable urban mobility given the hilly structure of the town. The CMP aims to promote ecomobility, such as cycling and use of public transport. The city is working on developing a bike sharing system with three routes and six stations. It is also working to improve the bus service with regards to both quantity and quality, and to improve local freight infrastructure.

EcoMobility Alliance Cities

EcoMobility Alliance Report 2018

Published in December 2018

EcoMobility Alliance Report 2018

The EcoMobility Alliance seeks to encourage city-to-city knowledge exchange and drive local innovation, trusting that such activities will inspire local leaders to create an ecomobile transportation system that prioritizes walking, cycling, public transport, shared mobility and light electric vehicles.

This EcoMobility Alliance report 2018 showcases our progress so far and highlights the impressive achievements of the EcoMobility Alliance cities. All EcoMobility Alliance cities are interesting to study as they have all excelled in one way or another in creating a sustainable urban mobility system.